This is a little taste of what Barbershop is like, from 2024 International in Cleveland - Enoy! | |
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Elections were held during the Chapter Meeting on October 2 where our members voted a resounding approval to install the full slate of nominees to the Board of Directors for 2025. We thank those members of the 2024 Board who have dedicated their time and energy to our merry band of barbershoppers! Your contributions have had a substantial impact and we appreciate you! Also join us in congratulating our new 2025 Board Members:
NED hosted a wildly successful Harmony eXplosion Camp come-back event in Worcester this past July after a 4 year hiatus. And now we're at it again! This time we're building on that success with a one day camp in Schenectady, NY. Area high school students and music educators will have a blast learning, singing and performing under the guidance of an incredible staff of coaches and music clinicians. The day will end with an amazing performance sure to leave you in awe of the kids' talent - and the amazing lineup of quartets and choruses on the playbill. Don't miss it! And if you know of any high school students who love to sing or music educators looking for a unique enrichment opportunity, send them to the all-new for more details! | |
For more information, see: | |
In April of this year the Granite Statesmen Chorus sangs at the Division Contest in Hyannis and quaified for the NED District Contest (Woo!) so now we're off to sing at Worcester State University on the weekend of October 25. We're honored to be singing among the regions most talents choruses and quartets. If you have the opportunity, come hear us sing on Saturday morning and stay for the incredible NEDAC show and Quartet Finals that evening. You won't regret it! | |
For more information, see: | |
If you've ever thought about joinging a chorus, or if your just curious, this is your perfect opportunity! Every year, the Nashua Granite Statesmen invite men in our community to sing with us for 6 weeks leading up to our holiday shows. You'll join us at our Wednesday evening chorus reheasals to learn 4 christmas songs, complete with access to sheet music, learning tracks, and instruction from ethusiastic and supportive coaches. Your experience will culminate in a number of Christmas performances on stage in front of warm and appreciative audiences. Find out why Christmas is even more exciting as a Barbershop singer! | |
For more information, see: | |
![]() Join us for the celebration! The Nashua Granite Statesmen, along with 12 chapter Quartets and a VLQ are competing in this year's Northeaster District Convention and Contest in Hyannis, MA. For a proper send-off worthy of such an achievement, we are hosting our friends and family for a party and a show! Join us to socialize, listen to our contest set, and congratulate our 4 Training Quartets, 8 Established Quartets, a VLQ and the NSG Chorus. Tonight is also a great opportunity to come listen and experience who the Granite Statesmen are if you've been considering joining. We're certain you'll have a great time! | |
For more information, see: | |
October 15, 2023 Give yourself the gift of music this year. The Nashua Granite Statesmen are excited to announce winter programs that are certain to enhance the joy and good cheer of the holidays. We invite men from the Greater Nashua Area, who are interested in a cappella singing, to join our Christmas Chorus. Along with our regular members, the Christmas Chorus will learn 4 holiday songs and have the opportunity to sing them at a variety of performances - including at the Nashua Holiday Stroll, at retirement communities throughout December, and at the Granite Statesmen Annual Holiday Show. This year’s Holiday Show will be held at Nashua Community College on December 9th, and will feature the Fairgrounds Middle School Select Choir, under the direction of Mary Pispitsos, along with several of our chorus quartets. Come join the fun on Wednesday evenings from November 1st to December 20th. For more information on joining this group of men who love to spread holiday cheer through song, see the contact information below or visit us at
Details: Christmas Chorus Begins: Wednesday, November 1st Time: 7pm Where: Nashua Senior Center, Temple Street Who: Men of any age are invited, no experience necessary
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![]() The Nashua Granite Statesmen did a street stroll in downtown Nashua on Valentines Day. We sang a few love songs and passed out a few roses as we walked up and down Main St. entertaining people who were out and about on February 14th. We would like to thank Martha Exchange, San Francisco Kitchen, Giant of Siam, Casa Viejo Mexican Restaurant, Tostao’s Tapas-bar, and Margaritas for allowing us to come in and entertain their guest with 2 to 3 songs on this special day. It was nice to be out singing in public again and it was a very lovely evening for all. It was enjoyable and a first time experience for 4 of our members of which 3 are new. Please Visit these wonderful partners: |
Every Chrorus and Quartet does it, the warm up. I love a good warm up, stretching the various, sometimes tired body parts out before we sing does help us all. These videos are courtesy of BHS whch include Elizabeth Davies, Steve Scott and more! | |
YouTube Video URL: | |
For more information, see: | |